Online Journal of Anthropology


Marco Menicocci - Articoli scelti

 allegato al Volume 15, Number 1, 2019

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Lettere di alcuni studenti
by AA.VV
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In memoria di un amico
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In ricordo di Marco
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Le radici della Luna
A small essay providing informations on the Wicca religion.
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Astri gelosi e fanciulle lascive

On the Crow mithology. Il saggio analizza due miti Crow che evocano, per superarla, una crisi cosmica: il livello celeste e quello degli uomini rischiano di perdere le distinzioni, con risultati caotici, poiché un essere celeste è stato rifiutato da una fanciulla umana. I miti consentono di portare luce su alcuni dei codici dei Crow e sulle relazioni tra questi codici. In particolare sono fondate la separazione tra il livello umano e quello celeste e gli usi matrimoniali che caratterizzano gli uomini. L’analisi dei miti mostra anche come i Crow abbiano deliberatamente scelto di configurare i limiti del loro cosmo come ambigui, mai perfettamente delineati, allo scopo verosimilmente di poter affidare all’istituto della visione il compito di poter giocare su queste ambiguità per risolvere le singole crisi individuali.

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Il Tempo fermo

Il mito è un linguaggio verbale costituito mediante il materiale linguistico che una certa lingua fornisce. L’originalità del racconto mitico rispetto a tutti gli altri fattori linguistici risiede nel fatto che esso utilizza i significati ordinari della lingua in modo del tutto strumentale per costituire significati specifici, quelli mitici, che rispondono ad un codice logico diverso rispetto a quello della lingua ordinaria. Il senso del racconto mitico non coincide con il senso narrativo o con il senso senso linguistico; neanche il senso consiste negli elementi isolati del racconto, bensì nella maniera nella quale tali elementi sono combinati. Il mito veicola valori semantici nuovi, basati su una logica particolare, servendosi dei valori semantici ordinari della lingua.

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Il potere della rinuncia. Elementi di costruzione del sacro tra i Mandan

The term xo’pini indicates power in the Mandan culture, and it had strong social repercussions. Xo’pini power was increased by undertaking a number of actions that we may call “sacralised”, such as fasting, self-torture and honouring the sacred bundles. It decreased by performing secular activities, such as war, hunting, horse taming. During certain ceremonies husbands offered the elders the chance to have intercourse with their wives. In this case the xo’pini power went directly from the elders to the husbands and because of this weak elders could refuse to take advantage of the gift of the wives. This paper tries to reconstruct the logic underlying the exchange of xo’pini power.

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Beyond monogamy. Hotwife e le nuove vie della famiglia

The wife-centered family is one of the emerging phenomena of our generation: a nucleus where, while the husband is unequivocally bound to be sexually faithful to his wife she can instead enjoy her broad-minded sexual freedom, often under suggestion and initiative of her own husband. Husbands often find themselves offering justifications on this based on a physiological matter: they wouldn’t be able to fully sexually satisfy their wives and therefore, for love sake, they are willing to accept the marginal role that follows, enjoying what becomes a vicarious, voyeuristic pleasure. While hotwives can keep both a solid marriage and a care-free sexual freedom, husbands are now the ones giving up their manhood and masculine role within the relationship.Men end up enjoying the lack of responsibility and the sexual disempowerment consequent to their renounce.

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Rincarnazione senza immortalità. Morte e sorte oltremondana tra i Mandan

The first Christian missionaries who went to North America claimed that the Indians believed in reincarnation and that it was the core of their religions. A survey among the Mandan shows that their limited notions about the after-life and reincarnation do not present any eschatological significance. These notions have the only function of designing the cosmos and enhancing some kinship relations. In fact, it is even dubious whether the Mandans had the notion of a life after death.

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La cerimonia Okipa tra gli indiani Mandan

The Okipa ceremony of the Mandan Indians has numerous characteristics that differentiate it from the general model of the Sun Dance. This paper analyzes its founding myths and rituals and shows how the theme of the relationship with the buffaloes constitutes the nucleus at the base of various symbolic economic, anthropological, and cosmic codes. With the celebration of the Okipa it was possible to open the hunting season and refound and restore the values connected with this activity; the human group was renewed through initiatory elements and its identity was reshaped; the boundaries of the cosmos were redefined, evoking and overcoming potential catastrophes. In this way the ritual acted on the mutable, producing the stability of the cosmos for a whole year and annually rebuilt the presence of the Mandan in the world.

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